What Are The Benefits Of Using A Payroll Card In Agriculture?

Although the world is progressing by leaps and bounds, the ag industry is still unable to move to direct deposit for most of its workforce. Fortunately, payroll debit cards offer a convenient way to issue wages via direct deposit. However, we find that some farmworkers have an understandable fear of switching to payroll cards. To overcome those fears, we’re breaking down the advantages of payroll pay cards.

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Rehire employees

We have launched a new functionality in our Hiring Tool: Rehire on mobile. You are now able to search for a person already on Ganaz and complete a new hiring packet for them. This process preserves the employee’s previous information such as employee ID, phone number, etc making the process:

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Hiring Tool Update: Specify New Hire or Rehire

Many of our customers using the Ganaz Hiring Tool use payroll systems that require different processes to import employee data for New Hires vs Rehires (people already on their Payroll System). Now you will see a radio button at the top of the Hiring page where you can select whether this is a brand new hire or someone who has worked for the company in the past and already has a record on your Payroll System.

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COVID Education Resources for Employers and workers

While we’re finally seeing a flattening of the curve in the general population in the US, the reports of outbreaks among field and plant workers seem to be on the rise. In Mexico, where the virus arrived later than in the US, the number of newly infected people is still growing rapidly.

All of this coincides with the start of the harvest season in many crops in the US and Mexico, and the corresponding movement of people to pick those crops. H2As from Central Mexico are headed to California and Washington. Workers from Southern Mexico are headed to Northern Mexico for the grape harvest.

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