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Industry Benchmarking Has Arrived

Great News! The exciting new feature you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived to the Ganaz Web App: Industry Benchmarking 🎉.

If you are new to Ganaz surveys, you may want to read this article first. Otherwise, let’s jump right in!

You know this. Keeping workers engaged and improving workforce retention is a complex job and the specific reasons why some of your workforce may be unhappy are many times very hard to identify. You need as much information as possible about your workforce and how their sentiment compares to others in the industry.

That’s why Ganaz is taking Employee surveys to the next level. Now you can compare how your workforce survey results measure up to the average of all the companies who opted in for Industry Benchmarking with Ganaz.

This is how it works: Once a month we automatically send a 3 question survey to your workforce. By the next day you can compare your results to the average of the rest of the companies. Simple yet powerful.

The benchmarking questions will change every month so you can explore different themes.

You can still send your regular surveys whenever you like and now you have the ability to compare different groups within your company for more granular insights so you can find groups with best practices and those with potential risks.

To see the comparison with Industry Average, YOU NEED TO OPT IN FOR INDUSTRY BENCHMARKING, just let your Account Manager know you are in!

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