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COVID Education Resources for Employers and workers

While we’re finally seeing a flattening of the curve in the general population in the US, the reports of outbreaks among field and plant workers seem to be on the rise. In Mexico, where the virus arrived later than in the US, the number of newly infected people is still growing rapidly. 

All of this coincides with the start of the harvest season in many crops in the US and Mexico, and the corresponding movement of people to pick those crops. H2As from Central Mexico are headed to California and Washington. Workers from Southern Mexico are headed to Northern Mexico for the grape harvest. 

The buses, housing, and packing plant operations of the industry have not been built for social distancing. Employers are trying to adapt procedures, infrastructure, and operations while also tackling the normal work of the start of the harvest season. Stress and fear are high - from the CEO’s to the supervisors to the workers in the field. But the commitment to keeping each other safe and healthy is even higher.

Fair Trade USA decided in early March to adapt its normal worker training program to address the crisis workers and farm managers are facing. The result is some of the best content we’ve seen on COVID19 for workers. The video covers:

  • What is the CoronaVirus?

  • Prevention

  • Myths and Realities

  • Mental Health

The videos are available in Spanish as well as Tzeltal and Tzotzil, two languages spoken by indigenous groups from Southern Mexico.

This is one of several segments. Click on the “View and Download video” button below to access the full video.

We’re excited to share it with you. This content is free, but, if you’re able, donations to Fair Trade USA to cover production costs are encouraged. 

You can access this content in two ways:

View and/or download the full video from Vimeo to play on your own TV’s in break rooms, share links via mass text message using Ganaz, or include in your new employee orientation. 

If you want a way to share this content in the field or away from an internet connection, you can access it for free on Ganaz’s new training app. The app also asks workers quiz questions which is a fun way to reinforce learning. 

If you want a way to share this content in the field or away from an internet connection, you can access it for free on Ganaz’s new training app. The app also asks workers quiz questions which is a fun way to reinforce learning. 

Mental Health Resources

Fair Trade USA also put together videos and guides in Spanish for farm managers and administrative staff on mental health issues, both to support themselves as well as to support workers during this stressful time. 

Infographics on Prevention

AHIFORES, the Mexico-based Agricultural Association for Social Responsibility, produced some great infographics about prevention in specific contexts:

Thank you, Fair Trade USA, for creating and gathering these tools. To make a donation to Fair Trade USA to help cover the costs of production and distribution of the videos, please visit their donation page and select COVID19 Response Program during checkout.